Category Archives: Math Lesson Plans

Lesson 5: Identifying Shapes

MACC.K.G.1.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

Learning Objectives
1. The students will be able to identify shapes.
2. The students will be able to describe objects in the environment using the name of shapes

• Shapes template – one set of shapes for each student
• Construction paper
• Scissors
• Book: “Where Has Polly Gone?” by Lisa Service


Tell the students the Standard(s) being taught by:

Vocabulary Terms:
• Shapes: the form of an object – how it is laid out in space (not what it is made of, or where it is)
• Polygon: A plane shape with straight sides

Activate Prior Knowledge
1. Ask the students, “What is a shape/polygon?” Write all of the answers/pictures on the board. Emphasize the correct answers and erase the incorrect answers (make sure to explain why the incorrect answers are incorrect).
2. The teacher will review the correct names/terms for each shape/polygon – (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon/septagon, octagon, nonagon, and decadron).

Standards-based Instruction
1. Read “Where Has Polly Gone?” by Lisa Service.
2. Have the students identify the shapes on each page.
3. After you have read the story, ask students to name the shapes that Netta visited in the story (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon/septagon, octagon,nonagon, and decadron).

Check for Student Understanding by:

Guided Practice
The teacher will collect all of the student shapes and keep one set for his/herself. To the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it,” the teacher will hold up one of the shapes and the students will sing:
If you know all of the shapes, shout them out
(the teachers raise shape number 1 and the students shout out their answer)
If you know all of the shapes, shout them out
(the teachers raise shape number 2 and the students shout out their answer)
If you know all of the shapes,
Know all of the shapes,
If you know all of the shapes, shout them out
(the teachers raise shape number 3 and the students shout out their answer)

Closing Activity Summarizing the Learning
1. Give each student a set of paper shapes.
2. Have students stand in a circle. Have them place their shapes on the floor in front of them.
3. Tell students you are going to review the names of each shape by singing the “Hokey Pokey!” Instead of putting an arm or leg “in” or “out,” students should use the shape that you call out.
4. Begin the song by naming the shape you’ll use first. Encourage students to pick up the correct shape to use as their prop as they sing along!

Teacher calls out: “Triangle!”

You put your triangle in (place shape in the circle)
You put your triangle out (place shape out of the circle)
You put your triangle in (place shape in the circle)
And you shake it all about! (students shake/dance/spin with their shape)

Teacher calls out the next shape. Continue singing until you have used all the shapes.


Independent Practice/Student Assessment
Have each student take a shape template. The student will write the name of the shape and describe the shape on one side. Then, the student will write items in their environment on the opposite side.

Math Lesson Plan #4


MACC.K.G.A. 3: Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”).

Learning Objectives

  1. The students will be able to identify shapes.
  2. The students will understand the terms “flat,” “side,” “solid,” and “face.”
  3. The students will be able to determine if a shape is two-dimensional or three dimensional.
Edible Flat & Solid Shapes. Great for 2D vs. 3D lesson

Edible Flat & Solid Shapes | Source

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Lesson Number 4 MACC.K.G.A.3

Math Lesson Plan #3

Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to describe objects using the positional words above, below, beside, in front of, behind, between and next to.
  2. Students will be able to describe an object’s position in terms of its relationship to another object.



MACC.K.G.A.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.


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Math Lesson Number 3

Math Lesson Plan #2

Learning Objectives:

  1. The students will name triangles.
  2. The students will create triangles.
  3. The students will be able to describe the properties of a triangle
  4. The students will observe triangles in their environment.



MACC.K.G.A.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.


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Math Lesson Number 2

Math Lesson Plan #1

Learning objectives:

  1. The students will be able to explain the definition of a shape.
  2. The students will be able to recognize that shapes are in the environment.
  3. The students will be able to describe objects in the environment using the names of shapes.


MACC.K.G.A.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

MACC.K.G.A.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

Download the lesson plan:

Math Lesson Number 1